Baltimore Orioles: Adam Jones, other deserving players being left out

For the record, my personal opinion is that the only player on the Baltimore Orioles who’s worthy of consideration to be a starter for the American League in the all-star game is Adam Jones. And given that Mike Trout is also in the American League, that in and of itself is also debatable. However needless to say, everyone out there knows what’s going on with the AL all-star voting, and the controversy surrounding it.

Courtesy of David Richard-USA TODAY Sports

For starters, I’m not just another writer with an east coast bias that’s suddenly calling foul at the idea that the Kansas City Royals (a small market, mid-western team) are monopolizing the voting. But removing the location or fan base from the equation, that in and of itself is the problem. Many fans skoff at the idea of the all-star game, and in some cases I understand why. However we should also keep in mind that baseball is based largely on tradition – part of that tradition is the MLB all-star game.

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What If... The Mariners Did Not Trade Adam Jones? /

SoDo Mojo

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  • So let me be clear, as this was true back when the Yankees and Red Sox fans were the primary ones voting; fans should not be voting for the all-star game. Under no circumstances, and for no positions. With that said, here’s the counter-argument to that: if the game is for the fans, why shouldn’t the fans decide who plays? And perhaps that’s a valid question.

    For starters, baseball’s not a game at the professional level; it’s a job. Yes for sure it’s a game that everyone knows and loves, however when you’re paid to do something (even play a game), it’s your job. So I would ask anyone reading this, would you feel comfortable with allowing people who may or may not be educated enough in your field of choice to decide who’s the creme de la creme and who’s not?

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    Take that a step further; some guys get bonuses if they make it to the all-star game. So quite literally, people who vote with one team and one goal (of getting their entire team to the all-star game) in mind could be doing undue detriment to someone. It’s too easy to say players make millions of dollars; they’ll survive without that bonus. But would you be happy knowing that someone out there was messing with your money?

    So yes, I’m saying that all of the Kansas City Royals fans out there who are stuffing the ballot box are in the wrong. They aren’t doing anything that anyone else can’t do, mind you, however just because you can do something doesn’t mean that you should. That would be like saying that players and teams that “hot dog” their way around the bases after a home run, or rub salt in the wounds of opponents aren’t doing anything wrong per se..right?!

    Having eight members of one team in the starting lineup (when in fact many of them don’t deserve to be there) is disrespectful to the game and to the great players who play it. And yes, by virtue of the fact that non-deserving players were voted onto the team, someone’s finances could be affected. Again, I recognize that some will say this comes off as east coast sour grapes. However I’m far from the only writer who’s made mention of it – you can put even the likes of ESPN’s Buster Olney in that same category as well.

    So I would submit that moving foward baseball people should choose the teams. The fact that so many New York Yankees, Boston Red Sox, Philadelphia Phillies, and other big market teams’ players would make the roster each year shows how biased things can be. And the fact that so many Kansas City Royals will be making it this year is indicative of the same thing. Putting the decision in the hands of baseball people will ensure that the truly deserving players are invited to the game, and start the game. Not just the players that certain people want to see.

    Baseball’s all-star game is probably the most historic of all the sports. So it should thus be treated as such. Having said that, I would submit that if things remain as they are and the AL starters are eight Royals plus Mike Trout (who incidentally is a legitimate selection), fans should consider boycotting the game. But maybe not the whole game – perhaps just the first 40 minutes to an hour or so. By that time the second wave of players will be rotated into the game in the spirit of letting everyone play. Unless of course the Kansas City fans are expecting that their players should be playing the entire game also.

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