There are plenty of reasons to be thankful for the Baltimore Orioles this season.
Happy Thanksgiving, fellow Baltimore Orioles fans. I’m writing this on Wednesday morning, sitting next to my two-month-old at my in-law’s house as we prepare for round one of the Thanksgiving with two families who don’t understand that you don’t need a pie per person who shows up to dinner, but it’s always highly appreciated. Before the madness begins, I thought I would write a few words about our favorite baseball team.
Times aren’t the most entertaining in Birdland at the moment, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of reasons to be thankful for our beloved O’s, not just this holiday season, but all year long.
As Orioles fans, we bicker amongst ourselves about the direction of the rebuild, whether or not certain players should stay or go, oftentimes just argue for the sake of arguing because what else is there to do? But at the end of the day, we all rally around this team and want the same exact thing, to be celebrating a World Series victory together in Baltimore.
I don’t know about you, but the Orioles are more than just a baseball team for me and my family. Trips to Camden Yards provide for quality family time and have been an instrumental keeping us close together, even though we have all grown up and moved away.
It’s been difficult to watch this team drop 100+ games in each of the last two seasons and the forecast for 2020 doesn’t look much brighter, but that’s not our focus for today. Instead, we came up with three big reasons why we’re thankful for this franchise.