O’s Beat Blue Jays, Hell Begins to Freeze Over

The best part of the win last night was the great outing Chris Tillman had. Put your hand up if you were expecting him to go 7 innings giving up only 4 hits and 2 runs with a walk. Yeah, I’m pretty sure no one’s hand is up right now.

Not to put a bad spin on a great win but don’t expect Tilly to throw like that his next start (which I’m sure, he’ll be starting 5 days from now since he did toss an outstanding game). His next start he won’t pitch nearly as well because he’s too young to consistently throw great games. But, lucky for us, he threw great last night in order for the Orioles to win a game to make us all happy for a night.

Though Tilly was magnificent, he gave up the 2 runs early so that the Jays had a 2-0 lead for a while and the O’s didn’t get on base, much less a hit, until the 6th inning in which they also scored 4 runs. Andino had an RBI ground-out to make it 2-1 before Adam Jones hit his career-high 20th home run of the season, which also scored Blake Davis and Andino making the score 4-2. In the 8th, Reynolds hit a sac fly to take a 3-run lead and AJ got yet another RBI with a single making the score 6-2, which would be the final score.

Oh and the bullpen pitched a perfect 2 innings with Jim Johnson pitching the 8th and Kevin Gregg closing out the 9th. Overall, it was a great win with good pitching and timely hitting. Baltimore has had lots of trouble beating Toronto this season (as well as New York, Boston, Tampa Bay, Texas, Cleveland, and pretty much every other team they’ve played) so it was nice to have a strong win against them. Yet, we know it really means nothing except one night of happiness for us fans because more than likely, the team will go on to lose 3 or 4 in a row before getting another win.

Does winning even matter at this point? Not really because nothing will come of it. They have no chance of getting to .500 and won’t be in sniffing distance of a playoff appearance for this season or the next few years at that, so why does it matter? I guess to save ourselves from the embarrassment of telling people you’re an Orioles fan because, let me tell you, it’s very hard to stay loyal to this team while living in the Philadelphia area with the best-team-in-baseball-Phillies fans everywhere. However, I will always love this team no matter how shameful it is to say that. Let’s just hope soon, in the next decade, all us loyal O’s fans can see a winning season…or at least a .500 season.