Oriole Park at Camden Yards E-Guide

A website was brought to my attention recently where you can purchase and download an Adobe Reader packet to your computer about everything you need to know about certain ballparks in America. Among those E-Guides are one for Camden Yards, Fenway Park, Yankee Stadium, Citizens Bank Park, Citi Field, and Nationals Park. You’re probably thinking why should I spend $5 and my time to read 30+ pages about Camden Yards when I’ve been there so many times? The answer is easy: I was able to read it free of charge in exchange for doing this review and I learned A LOT of things I didn’t know even though I’ve been going to the Yard since I was 5 (circa 1997). I’m not just saying that either. I already have the E-Guide on my computer and didn’t pay so I easily could completely bash it and tell you it’s awful, not worth it, etc. or not even write a review BUT it was such a cool thing I knew I’d have to share it with you guys.

So what is this all about? The Guide is over 30 pages long. It is downloaded through Adobe Reader and is very easy to read and pretty. It has tons of pictures. It’s written by an O’s fan. It’s divided up into sections to make things easier and also has the sections on the side so you can just click on ones you want to read and learn more about.

Ok, but what is the E-Guide literally about? Anything and everything Camden Yards! He gives you a quick lesson on seating as in what the different seats are called, which are the least and most expensive, and which have the best and worst views. He talks about how to get tickets and how to get to the park. He outlines all the different ways of transportation and parking and the positives and negatives of them. Then he talks about the food (this is my favorite part) and yes, it’s updated to the newest vendor that just got here this season. He talks about each little food stand/counter thing and what they sell there and if it’s good and worth the price. He also informs you of a few restaurants on Eutaw Street and on the concourses that I wasn’t even aware of!

Why does it matter? You could probably find all this information on the internet. Actually, that’s how he wrote these. So I know you can. But, it would take hours and days to find it all. Why not have it in one place? It’s written well and not boring at all, it’s got a nice tone and he shares his opinion often. It’s especially great because he’s been to Camden Yards a ton of times like all of his so it’s a better experience then, say, his Fenway E-Guide. He knows what he’s talking about and even though I thought of myself as a Camden Yards expert, it’s official now. I am. I’ll even send you a cool certificate saying you’re an official Camden Yards expert! See below.

WHERE DO I GET THIS??? Here’s the website:
And here’s the Camden Yards site:
Go Get that Trophy!
Oh and you can even look at and read sample pages of each guide which is pretty cool.
