O’s experience 1st loss of season to Red Sox; players say “this is one of the most painful things to go through in a season”


No, members of the Orioles did not actually say that, but the fans say it and I’m sure the O’s are thinking it. The game was a good one, well for a while at least. I attended and unfortunately found myself staring into the blood-colored jerseys of the enemy’s fans in our ballpark. That is one of the greatest sins that can be committed and the O’s sin many, many times a year (every time they host the Yankees or Red Sox).

During the previous two games, it didn’t bother me as much, because we shut those steroid-using-player-loving fans up with two quality wins. But tonight, the “Let’s Go Red Sox” chant was in full force and even louder in person (followed by boos, I’ll give us fans some credit). When was the last time “Let’s Go O’s” chants started up at Fenway or Yankee Satdium or, let’s be honest here, any stadium but the Yard? Yeah, never.

This was a pitching duel. Lester has never lost to the O’s (he got the win tonight too) and Bergesen, who hasn’t been any good all season, was on the mound for the O’s. It really was not a fair match-up: the Red Sox ace against the O’s 5th starter who should be in AAA. However, Bergie deserves a lot of credit. In the first, he came into some trouble giving up a run by letting Ellsbury get a lead-off double followed by Gonzalez getting an RBI double and throwing 24 pitches. Luckily for us, Lester faced the same trouble in the bottom of the inning, literally. He also gave up one run by walking Roberts, giving a single to Markakis and then another single to Lee who sent Roberts home after he stole 3rd base. Lester also threw 24 pitches, funny.

Bergie also gave up a run in the 3rd, giving the Sox the 2-1 advantage until the bottom of the 6th when Vladdy homered again, his 4th on the season. Back to Brad, he got into serious trouble in the 6th. Pedroia reached first on an infield single followed by Gonzalez hitting a double (he killed us tonight going 3 for 5 with 2 RBIs). 2 runners were in scoring position with none out and Brad was nearing his end. I thought for sure he wasn’t getting out of that inning without doing some damage. The much-hated-by-me Puke-ilis struck out as well as Ortiz. A great call was made by the O’s to intentionally walk J.D. Drew but the bases were loaded with two outs. Let me tell you, with the small amount of O’s fans in attendance, that place was pretty loud. I’m sure some Red Sox fans were cheering in there too, but I saw a sea, more like a river, of orange on their feet. And Bergesen did it, he got Saltalamacchia to pop out. It was awesome. He even walked onto the mound in the 7th but Wieters and Buck immediately ran out there to send Jim Johnson in.

Now, I used to hate JJ, but he’s been on fire so far this season. Unfortunately, he gave up a run tonight on a stupid sac bunt down the left field line that Reynolds just couldn’t get a handle on when he tried to bare-hand it. I do have to go on a little rant here about Michael Gonzalez (aka Gonzo, or big fat goon might be better). He continued his giving-up-a-run-everytime-he-comes-in-the-game streak. I’ve got news for you Goon, that’s not exactly a good streak to have going. He ends up giving up three runs, putting the Red Sox up 6-2 and putting the game out of reach for the O’s.

Luckily, Bergesen got the no decision with the loss going to Johnson because Bergie looked pretty decent tonight, probably his best start of the season, especially since he was pitching against a.) the Red Sox line-up and b.) the Red Sox’s ace Lester. But, Lester just dominated going 8 innings giving up 2 runs on only 4 hits and 5 strikeouts. Bergie was almost identical but going a shorter amount of time, 6 innings with 2 runs given up on 6 hits and 5 strikeouts.

Although the O’s lost, this is definitely a good sign for their 5th in the rotation. If Bergesen can pitch like he did tonight and be a little more consistent, he’ll be worthy of a spot in the rotation and when he’s pitching against different teams and different pitchers, he’ll be able to get some wins with the help of the offense. So, let’s take the bright side out of this and looks forward to the White Sox, who suck right now.