Adam Eaton Wins 6-2: What Just Happened?

Adam Eaton pitched a excellent game today, I’ve been hard on him, but I got to give him his props. Eaton, pitched 7.1 innings allowing 2 runs and striking out 9 while giving up 0 walks. The Orioles coaching staff has been preaching all season to limit the walks, and just put the ball in play. Finally, Eaton listened and after some good pitches and great defense, he had his first good game in a long time. Oh, and also, manager Trembley, I’m still not on the Eaton bandwagon, I still don’t think he is that good, nor will last past the all-star break.

Bartolo Colon was horrible tonight, and will probably never get back to his old form. He lasted 3 innings, giving up 5 runs and getting knocked around the hole time. Boy, does that sound like our pitchers so far this season or what. Eaton, would of had a shutout if Jim Johnson didn’t give up a two run hit after getting ahead of the batter. I was surprised that Sherrill got out of the ninth inning so fast, I guess today was like George in that one Seinfeld episode, do everything opposite.

The offense was the way it should pretty much always be tonight. Huff, Wiggy, Scott, Markakis were all on fire at the plate. Huff, went 2-4 touched home twice, and really got things going at the beginning of the game. I was really happy Wigginton finally got a couple hits, and a double that almost went out. Luke, went 1-2 with 2 RBI, and was looking real sharp at the plate. He needs to stop being so streaky, we need him consistent this season. We took another series, and finally winning the third game for the first time. This was a real nice bounce back after getting thumped down in Boston.